Publisher: Multnomah Publishers
Pages: 346
Available in: Paperback, Kindle, ePub
ISBN: 978-1-590-52687-3
Published: March 20, 2007
Reluctant Runaway
(Book #2 in the To Catch a Thief series)
"Honey, looking after you is the job of a legion of angels, not one man." – Tony Lucano, FBI Agent
Stolen Indian artifacts . . .
A murdered museum guard . . .
A missing wife and mother . . .
A baby in mortal danger . . .
Museum security expert Desiree Jacobs and FBI agent Tony Lucano scramble to unearth the chilling secret that links them all.
Other books in the To Catch a Thief series include: Reluctant Burglar & Reluctant Smuggler

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